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Solving the risk management puzzle

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

Operating a fleet of vehicles brings with it a certain amount of risk. According to ROSPA’s 2016 publication: ‘Safer driving for work’ - being behind the wheel for work purposes tends to involve more risk than when making private journeys.

Even when you factor in higher mileages, the likelihood of being involved in a crash is still greater and someone driving for work is also more likely to be at fault. ROSPA also state that work drivers are generally more prone to risk taking.

All of which translates to greater chances of injury or even loss of life, more damage to vehicles and property, and consequently, higher insurance costs.   

It is no surprise that fleet operators are under pressure to ensure they take all the necessary actions to manage and minimise those risks. But good risk management isn’t just about crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s.

That’s certainly part of it, but in a wider business context, companies that take a proactive stance don’t just benefit from improved fleet management. Instead, a forward thinking approach tends to spill over into other areas of the business, making for a more adaptable and robust company. So while fleet risk management is a complex puzzle, it is one definitely one that is worthwhile taking the time solve.

This is why we have created our latest fleet management download “The technology to piece together your fleet risk management puzzlein which we explain how technology solutions can play a vital role in delivering a successful fleet risk management strategy.  

The download emphasises what drivers and fleet managers need to do on a regular basis; why regular licence checks are essential; why road and vehicle awareness – including speed limits – is imperative; and what auditable processes fleet managers must undertake to show that they have instructed their drivers to carry out the right checks – and to prove they have actually done them.

Each section of the new download ends with a “Top Tip” as a succinct and thought-provoking reminder.

Developing and implementing a fleet risk management strategy is not ‘a nice to have’... it is absolutely essential, and doing it right requires an ongoing commitment.

Our new download shows that by employing the right technology, risk management becomes a commonsense and pro-active part of a business – and that with it comes significant benefits... lower insurance premiums, reduced maintenance costs, safer drivers and fewer accidents, to name just a few.

Download “The technology to piece together your fleet risk management puzzle” now and discover how Teletrac Navman technology can help you benefit from a better fleet risk management strategy.



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