Key Takeaways
Messaging from TN360, is an all-in-one application that allows you to create personalised messaging for re-occurring (or immediate) communications, fleet-wide updates, automated messages based on certain events, and more.
What is Messaging
Messaging is a feature of TN360 that allows users to message a driver, a specific group of drivers or broadcast messages across an entire fleet. The user-friendly mobile app provides drivers with immediate access to the messaging center so they can quickly and easily read and respond to messages when needed. The application is highly customisable and has the ability to track the readership of critical messages.
The mobile app enables customized messaging for a wide range of use cases, including:
- Job status updates
- Timesheet reminders
- Sharing documents (via Easy Docs app)
- Job detail updates
- Driver status updates

What makes Messaging different?
Designed specifically for fleet operations, Messaging enables drivers to stay connected through a dedicated communication channel.
The platform provides business owners and fleet managers with a centralised location to manage driver communication, making it quick and easy to send messages to a single driver or to an entire fleet. The solution enables you to send specific messages based on activity recorded within the application, for example, if a customer has specific delivery instructions, these can be automatically sent to driver when they enter the site.
Messaging also enables you to create templates for frequently broadcast messages.
How can Messaging assist your business?
Messaging centralises communication, giving you full visibility into the messages sent to and received from your remote workers. This helps businesses to streamline and improve communication processes.
Key benefits of Messaging include:
- Broadcast messaging: Ensure that all drivers have the most up-to-date information by sending a message to your entire fleet. This can range from traffic updates to fleet policy reminders. Messages can also be sent with a requirement for drivers to acknowledge readership - a valuable feature for messages related to compliance.
- Centralised location: A single view into all communication that is easily searchable so you can find the information you need quickly.
- Accountability: View all communication and remove he said/she said situations.
- Automation: Bringing communication into your telematics platform enables you to automate message delivery based on recorded events (i.e. entering or leaving a customer site).