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70% of fleet managers report the effects of distracted driving. Read what your peers are doing to combat this in our Global Distracted Driving Report: 2025. Learn More

Fleet driver behaviour monitoring guide - Teletrac Navman UK


Driver behaviour monitoring system

Why businesses are investing in fleet data

Virtually any business that has invested in a GPS tracking solution can track the location of their vehicles by pinpointing them on a map. But times have changed and the sophistication of data has expanded to deliver insights into how driver behaviour effects operational efficiency, costs and overall business performance.

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Progressions in technology can now tie driver behaviour directly to company benchmarks, including safety behaviour, fuel use and the vehicle maintenance costs. The right software will identify a company’s biggest priorities, whether it’s revenue, customer satisfaction or compliance, and deliver that data to help make daily decisions.

Vehicle and driver behaviour data helps businesses record activity and gives users a powerful look at the health of their business through customizable insight about their fleet’s activity. This type of information goes beyond vehicle location and steers a company to focus on items, such as the total time spent at a job site, that may have been previously overlooked. In-depth data leads to more informed business decisions that can impact a company’s financial success.

The versatility of fleet data helps track and monitor fuel waste and related costs, distances and miles traveled, idle time and driving habits, for a single vehicle, sub-group of vehicles or an entire fleet. GPS tracking software provides a complete view of fleet performance data, including the lowest and highest ranking vehicles or drivers for key performance metrics, giving users the information they need to take actions and improve business performance.

Overall, actionable vehicle data can benefit even the smallest of fleets. GPS data can give you peace of mind when you want to ask “Where are my vehicles?” but using comprehensive fleet data as part of everyday fleet management can help cut down fuel consumption and other inefficiencies, increasing a fleet’s lifespan, productivity levels and cost savings.

Totalmilesdriven Icon Total Miles Driven

The cumulative number of miles a driver has accrued for a specific time period

Fueluse Icon Fuel Use

Amount of fuel used by a driver, which can be impacted by harsh driving, idle time and unnecessary stops

Idletime Idle Time

The total time a vehicle’s engine is running when the vehicle is not in motion

Maintenance Icon Maintenance

Data summarising engine statistics and fault codes in addition to routing information and service mileage

Driverstop Icon Driver Stops

The number of stops a driver takes while on the clock, including en route to a job site

Driverstopendtime Icon Start and End Time

The time a driver clocks in and clocks
out each day

Timespentatjobsite Icon Time Spent at Job Site

The total time a driver spends delivering and completing a task at a job site

Driverstops Icon Time on Lunch Break

The total time, length and number of breaks that a driver takes on the road each day

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Every fleet operation is unique and has a need to measure different KPI's that are effected by driver behaviour. From monitoring productivity to creating safety programs we have the solution to meet your needs.

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Monitor the data that matters

What is driver behavioural data? 

Good driving habits can significantly reduce business risk and cost. A quick mistake on the road can negatively affect a company through accident, injury and liability costs and even a loss of business.

It is often difficult to see the total impact of a crash on a business. While the direct costs, such as vehicle repair and insurance payments are easy to calculate, the indirect costs can also be severe. These numbers, including crash reports, time and money spent on litigation and the loss of productivity on the company are proven to be 3-5 times more expensive than the direct costs of the accident.

Safety data provides fleet managers with the eyes and ears without stepping foot into a vehicle. Managers can assess the strongest and weakest drivers in their fleet by consistently monitoring driver behaviour, and building simple reports and scorecards to quickly identify top performing drivers and drivers who are a risk.

These tools can be used by managers to implement on-going performance based driver coaching. Mangers should ask themselves, “Are my drivers receiving tickets? Speeding? Swerving on the road?” Driver coaching is proven to be a highly valuable tool to eliminate these high-liability issues.

In fact, a recent Teletrac Navman study* concluded that 40% of drivers change their behaviour after their first safety warning.

As a sample technology, Teletrac Navman helps managers track their drivers’ speed and review aggressive driving behaviours, such as speeding, harsh braking and cornering.

The safety software arms managers with the ability to view safety data on demand so they can quickly measure a fleet’s safety score based on safety parameters, including harsh braking, harsh acceleration, speeding and stop sign violations. This can be broken down to fleet sub groups and individual drivers to identify key points of focus.

One of the most useful tools is the ability to see the top 10 worst and best drivers in a fleet—including an individual driver safety score— allowing managers to monitor safety performance across their drivers

Driver Scorecards

Everything You Need In One View

The Driver Scorecard has been designed to give fleet managers instant visibility into driver performance data. In one view you can track fleet wide performance and individual driver trends, giving you everything you need to get safety and efficiency on track.

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Driver Behaviour Monitoring

What does driver behaviour data measure?


Speeding for each vehicle is determined by matching GPS data to a map database which contains speed limit information. GPS speed is then compared to actual speed limits while the length of each vehicle infraction is recorded.


The number of heavy braking incidents based on G-Force and the type of vehicle (light, medium or heavy).


The number of forceful or quick cornering incidents that are identified for each driver or time period. 

Easily see your fleet safety data

Driver Behaviour Monitoring System

The power to monitor vehicle and driver behaviour allows businesses to have a strong competitive advantage. Teletrac Navman’s fleet management platform goes beyond location tracking to offer businesses measurable data that provides a snapshot of daily vehicle and driver activity. Having access to accurate behavioural data— such as fuel use, productivity levels and safety patterns - allows companies to stay efficient, productive and cost-effective. 

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Safety Analytics

The Safety Analytics feature in the Teletrac Navman fleet management software that enables users to receive insight into vehicle safety based on key performance metrics and recorded events, such as speeding and harsh braking. The results, including a measurable safety score, are showcased on data-rich dashboards.

This advanced feature pinpoints safety violations and inefficiencies - such as worst safety rankings and more - for an entire fleet or a single vehicle. Managers can use this to prevent vehicle abuse and monitor unsafe driving behavior. 

Dashboard cameras can also be integrated into the safety analytics solution providing video recordings of recorded events.

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The Scorecard feature enables users to get a remote look at important vehicle performance metrics to best measure key inefficiencies across a fleet—right from their desktops or mobile devices.

This flexible analytics tool features a data-rich, color-coded dashboard that showcases driver performance for single vehicles, sub-groups, or an entire fleet. Users can drill down in to any of the metrics for a detailed look at performance. The best and worst driver rankings are clearly displayed to indicate which drivers within the fleet are performing at the highest level.

Check out the scorecards feature.

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Vehicle and driver behavior software provides a clean snapshot of metrics related to fleet performance, including a close look at fuel consumption and costs, idle time, travel trends and safety activity. Available reports include:

  • Mileage
  • Executive Summary
  • Time Sheet
  • Maintenance
  • Driver Stops