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Press Release - Don't idle in fight against air pollution

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Air pollution is a hot topic for all fleet managers, drivers and pedestrians and the current Covid-19 pandemic has only thrown the issue back into the spotlight. Barney Goffer, UK Product Manager at Teletrac Navman, discusses why there has never been a better time to redouble efforts.


Milton Keynes, August 17th 2020 - Air pollution caused by the vehicles on our roads impacts every aspect of modern life, from the health of those exposed to it to the commercial implications for fleet owners. Legislation has been introduced to penalise offenders with exclusion zones established in the worst affected areas of major cities, as well as manufacturers incorporating special measures into new vehicles to minimise it.

One significant contributor is vehicles left idling, but it is positive to see campaigns to discourage it have been launched. Some of the UK’s largest cities and regions have staged anti-idling campaigns, and National Clean Air Day (UK) occurs every year in late June, although this year it has been delayed to October because of Covid-19.

But we must act now, with research by King’s College London[1] estimating that air pollution contributes to 9,500 deaths in London a year, and UK national estimate figures varying from 28,000[2] to 40,000[3] in premature deaths a year. This is a legacy for the future because of the effects of air pollution on generations to come. For example, urban schools are a hot spot for idling vehicles where exhaust fumes have a more significant effect on children as they take twice as many breaths as adults and therefore absorb more pollutants, potentially resulting in a devastating impact on a child’s health. It can also have a significant impact on Covid-19 sufferers and those recovering from the virus.

So, there could not be a better time to re-energise efforts to reduce and minimise air pollution.

Leaving an engine idling is already an offence under Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and drivers face a minimum fine of £20 rising to £80 in certain parts of London and the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002 demonstrate the intent of Government to continue to tackle the problem.

The Idling Action Project, which is jointly led by the City of London Corporation and the London Borough of Camden, also aims to educate about the dangers of leaving vehicle engines idling. Set up in 2016 and supported by the Mayor of London, it offers free training to London drivers and a comprehensive tool kit of resources to business with fleets, professional drivers and employees who drive to work. Greater Manchester and East Sussex have both run similar campaigns all of which prove to be hugely influential on drivers’ habits with a resulting reduction in vehicle emissions.

Campaigns such as these aim to educate; regulations and acts aim to police, and anti-idling software aims to keep drivers on the straight and narrow thereby enhancing the effects of legislation and training. And as providers of anti-idling technology, we absolutely support these strategies and approaches to encourage drivers to turn off their engines and make a real difference across the UK.


[1] Research by King’s College London estimated that air pollution contributed to around 9,500 deaths in London in 2010

[2] Public Health England report: Improving outdoor air quality and health: review of interventions

[3] The Royal College of Physicians report: Every breath we take




For more information, please contact:

Harriet Williams
Account Manager
McCann Manchester
T: 01625 822 572  


About Teletrac Navman:

Teletrac Navman is a leading software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider leveraging location-based technology and services for managing mobile assets. With specialized solutions that deliver greater visibility into real-time insights and analytics, Teletrac Navman helps companies make better business decisions that enhance productivity and profitability. Its fleet and asset management technology uncovers information that would otherwise go unseen, helping customers reduce risk and confidently move their business forward with certainty. It tracks and manages more than 500,000 vehicles and assets for more than 40,000 companies around the world. The company is headquartered in Glenview, IL, with additional offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico. For more information visit 

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